The ministry of the Church is to extend through every member of the Body of Christ, facilitated by the pastoral leadership. The apostolic directive from the Apostle Paul has laid the groundwork for activating leaders in our local churches:

(1)   Equip the saints or assist them to fruitful life and service (Eph.4:11-13) and

(2)   Transmit the truth to each successive “generation” —that is, discipling those whom you touch, that they may in turn disciple those they touch (2 Tim. 2:2).

Scripture, Ephesians 4:11–13 articulates that it is the Christian leader’s responsibility to equip the rest of the body to do the work of the ministry. It’s no accident that Jesus spent the bulk of his ministry training a small group of future leaders rather than an army of foot soldiers. The Lord Jesus knew the future of the Church, humanly speaking, depended upon the quality of its leadership. Our Church Staff comprises of a group of dedicated individuals whose goal is to see the lives of our congregants transformed by the power of Christ so that together we may bless our homes, our community, our nation…and our world!


Leslie Patton
Cell Phone: 781-727-3085

Alesia Somerville
Worship Arts Coordinator

Jack Revins
Head Usher

Yanni & Virginia Mihalakakis
Pastoral Elders