
Welcome message from Pastor(s) Mohanan & Victoria Unni

God has always revealed Himself to humankind through His Word - the Bible, and His Word became flesh - Jesus Christ, in order to reveal Himself fully to humankind. True Christianity is about the Lord Jesus who is the descent of God into the middle of our muddled lives, just as they are, not the ascent of our lives to God, hoping that he might approve when He sees how hard we try. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, God's involvement in our lives is not limited to history. He - Jesus Christ - is EMMANUEL - God with us NOW - not just in the past or somewhere out in the future BUT right NOW and FOREVER! 
The Word of God - the Bible, shows us that the commitment that God is looking for from humanity is NOT to escape this life but to know God's power and presence in the here and now, which could transform both our lives and our society.
We are a Bible-believing congregation that is reaching out to our community with the love of Christ. Click through the links at the top and find out how you can be a part of this community that can be a blessing to our world. We offer regular activities for families, singles, and anyone who is seeking to make a personal difference in the lives of others.
Please visit us at The Shepherd's House, and allow Christ, The Good Shepherd to make a difference in your life...

The Shepherd’s House (TSH) is ASSOCIATED with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (Foursquare Churches).  The "Foursquare" stands for our "anchor points":

1.     Lord Jesus Christ as Savior 
 2.    Lord Jesus Christ as Baptizer
 3.    Lord Jesus Christ as Soon Coming King
 4.    Lord Jesus Christ as Healer

The Shepherd's House is part of the Foursquare Association…you can find this information at the following link: 


Our Spiritual Accountability is to the Foursquare Northeast District, and currently our Northeast District Supervisors are Pastors Robb & Janet Hattem. You can find this info at the following link: http://northeast.foursquare.org/ 

Currently, our immediate Divisional Supervisor (Southern Boston District) is Pastor Agabus Lartey from Family Life Fellowship in Hyde Park, MA . You can find this info at the following link: http://www.flfhp.org/